Articles of Association

  1. Name
    1. English Name: Telehealth Association for the Study of Traditional Chinese Medicine International.
    2. Chinese Name: 國際遠程健康中醫研究協會
  2. Registration Address
    1. G/F, Yan Oi Building, 18 Yan Oi Street, San Po Kong, Kowloon.
  3. Objects
    1. To study tele-healthcare and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).
    2. To promote tele-healthcare and TCM internationally.
    3. To promote, support and facilitate international cooperation for professional practice in the area of TCM tele-healthcare.
    4. To provide a platform for TCM practitioners to share their experience.
    5. To produce writings, webpages, books, leaflets, illustrations or other documents or recorded videos so as to make known, disseminate and further the objects of the Association.
    6. To improve the well-being of the general public through tele-healthcare.
    7. To bring together persons of similar concern and interest for the purpose of furthering the objects of the Association, which provide a platform for global exchange and cooperation.
    8. To promote, support, encourage and assist in education and research in furtherance of the objects of the Association, and to organize, assist and participate in education and training programs, conferences, seminars, lectures and meetings in connection therewith.
  4. Organization
    1. The Association is a Non-Profit Making Organization.
    2. The Association consists of Members, and a Management Board (hereinafter MB) for managing daily activities and operations.
    3. The Association will be operated under the organization structure approved by MB and/or the task forces setup by the MB.
  5. Membership
    1. Types of Members
      1. Honorable Member:MB will invite local and overseas TCM scholars as Honorable Members.
      2. Full Member:Any individual of TCM sectors, including but not limited to TCM practitioners, herbal pharmacists, academic professionals, or supporting personnel may apply for a Full Membership.

          ● Local Full Member: Any individual who resides in Hong Kong.

          ● Non-local Full Member: Any individual who does not reside in Hong Kong.

      3. Affiliate Member: Any individual who is interested in TCM or Telehealth can apply for an Affiliate Membership.
      4. Student Member: Any individual who is studying medicine, healthcare or relevant subjects can apply for a Student Membership.
      5. Corporate Member: Any company, corporation, or organization that is interested in telehealth and related services can apply for a Corporate Membership.
    2. Membership Rights
      1. All members have the right to participate in the Association’s activities.
      2. Only Full members can take part in voting, and/or be elected as MB members.
    3. Membership Obligations
      1. Pay membership fee as approved by the MB which is currently HK$100 per year.
      2. Obey the rules and regulations of the Association.
      3. Obey the local law as well as the law/legal requirements in the region where the Association’s activities take place.
      4. Follow all “Code of Ethics” wherever applicable.
      5. Not to use the name of the Association unless prior written authorization from the MB has been obtained.
    4. Withdrawal and Disqualification
      1. Any member can withdraw his/her membership status by giving formal notice to the Chairman/Secretary of the Association.
      2. Any member who fails to pay membership fee as scheduled will be regarded as giving up membership status with immediate effect.
      3. The MB will have the discretion to disqualify any member who has violated the Association’s rules and regulations, or has an offence against local or regional law, without giving any prior notice to the individual.
  6. Management Board
    1. Management Board (MB) is the only authorization of the Association, any resolution of the MB should be treated as the resolution of the Association.
    2. Virtual MB meeting should be treated as a valid meeting.
    3. Management Board structure
      1. Consists of at least 3 office bearers, namely:Chairman, Vice Chairmen (optional), Treasurer, Secretary.
      2. The office bearers are all volunteers and full members of the Association. The term of office is three years, and there is no restriction on the number of terms a member can be re-elected for.
      3. The voting for MB members can be either by simple majority or by vote of confidence.
      4. The majority of the Management Board must be Local Full members.
    4. Election of Board Member
      1. Any full member can nominate a full member as MB candidates.
      2. The nomination form should be sent to MB for validation check.
      3. Only candidates that pass the validation check can be treated as validly nominated candidates.
      4. Validly nominated candidates will be elected at general meeting.
      5. Whenever there is a vacancy, it will be the MB’s duty to hold an internal meeting for by-election.
    5. Resign and Dismiss of Board Member
      1. A board member needs to give a formal notice to the Chairman or the Secretary if resigning from the position.
      2. A board member can be dismissed by the MB if he/she has violated the Association’s rules and regulations, or has an offence against local or regional law, or is not in line with professional ethics.
    6. Duties of the Board
      1. Chairman:Manages the Association and holds meetings.
      2. Vice Chairmans:Responsible for regional activities and acts as Chairman’s deputy in his absence.
      3. Treasurer:Maintains financial ledgers and responsible for all financial matters as well as preparing financial reports and budgets.
      4. Secretary: Responsible for all administrative matters.
      5. Board Members:Responsible for designated duties.
  7. General Meeting
    1. Virtual meeting should be treated as a valid meeting.
    2. Annual General Meeting (AGM)
      1. The MB has to hold an AGM every year for reporting activities, presenting financial reports as well as electing new MB office bearers if applicable, and discussing Any Other Business.
      2. The minimum number of participants of an AGM should be 5% of the number of full members or a minimum of 2 persons if the number of full members is less than 40. If a minimum number of participants is not present, Meeting Chairman should adjourn the meeting. There will be no minimum number of participants requirement for a resumed meeting.
    3. Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM)
      1. The MB can call an EGM to seek for urgent resolution or authorization. There is no minimum number of participants requirement for an EGM.
    4. The MB shall announce the date, time and venue of the meeting on the association website no less than 7 days before an AGM, and no less than 3 days before an EGM. Failure of a member to receive the notice of a General Meeting shall not invalidate any action taken at the General Meeting.
  8. Source of funding
    1. The three founding members will each lend HK$2,000 to the Association as the initial source of fund.
    2. Membership fee will contribute to the on going funding of the Association.
    3. The fund should be used to fulfill the objects of the Association. Specifically, the fund should be used for conducting conference and training courses, maintaining internet platform of the Association, publishing educational materials, and supporting member networking events.
  9. Dissolution
    1. The Association can be dissolved at an AGM/EGM with majority votes of over 67% of meeting participants.
    2. Fund arrangement upon dissolution: donation to Hong Kong Baptist University.
  10. Amendment
    1. Amendment of the Articles of Association can be made at an AGM/EGM with majority votes and the approval of Societies Office of Police Licensing Office.